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Sweet Sangha

we are moving and looking for a sweet space like this!

Sangha will resume once we settle 

Our on-going Sangha was a place for all to meet each other on a monthly basis to explore the deeper teachings of yoga in a luxurious two hour workshop format. Our evening included a theme and experiential practices with individual attention through asana, pranayama, chanting, and meditation. There was always time for Q&A to discuss how to carry the teachings into our daily lives.

Our intention for all of our work is that you will leave rested, refreshed and connected to yourself and to each other. I look forward to connecting with you in small privates and weekly classes as we find a new spot to hold our sangha.  If you are interested in joining us in the future, please fill out this form here and we will get back to you.


Stay tuned and thanks for a great year! 


once a month

Sangha Schedule

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